Your top questions, answered

Below is a brief overview of some of our most frequently asked questions (FAQ’s). If you don’t see an answer to your question, please contact our team directly – we will respond within 8 hours.


How long is it going to take?

The length of time depends on the type of animal we are removing as well as the services we are providing. Our exclusion services for bats and squirrels can take up to 2 – 3 weeks. 

Our trapping programs typically run for 5 days, although it may take up to one week to ensure the animal is no longer in your home.

How are you going to get them out?

We use a variety of methods to remove animals safely and humanely from your homes. For more details on the trapping and exclusion processes, please visit our Services page.

What happens to the animals?

We are a humane animal removal company that complies with all state and federal regulations for the safe treatment of pests. Our methods include trapping, relocating, and in some circumstances, humane extermination.

We closely adhere to both NH and VT bylaws for the ethical removal of all types of nuisance animals. For more details, or questions about how we will remove the animal affecting your home, please give us a call.

Do you guarantee your work?

All of our exclusion work is fully guaranteed with a 10 year warranty. Our trapping is not guaranteed, as some animals may return to their ‘territories’ after trapped. 

Fast, Humane Pest Control.

Serving the Upper Valley Region.

Based In

Grantham, NH. Serving the entire Upper Valley region of NH & VT

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